Tuesday 26 August 2008


I went to the Climbing Works yesterday with the Foundry 'club'. We were all on different circuits, but climbed socially with ease due to the layout. I've been doing regular extended sessions at the works for several weeks now.

After the social climb I did my first full campus session since the end of the main comp season. I surprised myself by pulling off 1-4-6 leading with my left arm and then with my right after a couple of attempts.

I'm really seeing training advances recently as last week I did a left arm 90 degree lock, again after having not trained specifically to achieve it, but trying it as a measure of where I am at.

Monday 25 August 2008


Ah, a nice day by the mill pond... almost in the mill pond. Its a bit muddy/pond like under the traverses wall at the moment which led to an amusing landing by Gaz (Whittles). Toes still on the wall, heels in the mud, shoulders on the mat, arched in between trying to keep clean shorts. A flip to get out of this being possibly his best move of the day!

I had a good finger workout, especially on Kudos wall, and bumped into some people I haven't seen for ages. It was good to catch up.

Thursday 14 August 2008

Team and Training

Yippee, I've been selected for the 2009 GB team :-)

I'm busy training at the moment. I'm enjoying the Foundry's new volumes and the Climbing Works circuits and latest comp wall blocs.

I'm not enjoying running. It's my first running with hayfever season whilst its a bit warm outside. If I'd kept up my running more throughout the comp season it may have been easier.

I aim to get onto some real rock in the near future... and visit some other walls (I'm a plastic junkie!).