Friday, 20 May 2011

Ben’s Roof (7c+ Raven Tor)

I’m very excited. 

I decided that tonight was a good night to start working Ben’s Roof.  I’d fondled the holds previously.  Keith Sharples had shown me his sequence and I had my usual memory on the beta (forgotten the lot).   I tried ‘Too Hard for Mark Leach’ after warming up on pinches wall for a while.  So the end of the problem was ok. 

After about an hour and a half I’d worked out all the moves, with some helpful suggestions from a strong guy and Pete Jeffery.  The main move that was hit and miss was the toe hook to come round to the end – my foot kept slipping.  I was stunned 3 goes later from the start to be making a second adjustment to the toe hook, making it stick and desperately dragging myself round the corner.  Strong guy (sorry for the lack of name) suggested I get the jug not the crack thankfully and I was grunting to the top.  Happy, happy, happy.

Tea time.

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