Monday 14 June 2010


A bit of a sore throat... a lot of a sore throat. Tonsils so swollen that the dangly bit in the middle was being pushed sideways by one of them, and I felt awful. Really really bad timing as I had two days of work left to get everything in order before travelling to my next World Cup comps. Then a whole month dedicated to climbing.

The reality was antibiotics for 10 days and feeling dozy most the time.

It was too late to cancel anything and I stood little chance of getting any refunds, so I rested as much as I could then went for it. After all, you recover quickly on antibiotics don't you?

So the comps - disappointingly I finished in the 30's in both Vienna and Vail.

Vienna: I was reportedly looking strong. I felt strong but tired quickly, not helped by the heat.
  1. Flash;
  2. Awkward hand swap towards the top of the bloc repeatedly;
  3. Wave at the top hold, but too pumped to get it;
  4. Wave at the top hold, but too pumped to get it after a few attempts battling with the penultimate hold;
  5. Completely pooped.
Vail: I enjoyed it, but failed to get any tops in the comp despite pulling quite a few moves I was really pleased with. I made too many little mistakes, but learnt lots.
  • Beautiful;
  • Bouldered in Boulder (albeit on plastic at The Spot);
  • Competed, campussed, cried;
  • Bouldered on REAL ROCK at Der Klettergarden, Redcliff;
  • Humming birds, hummers, hot-tubs, 'hugeness', h-awesomeness and high altitude;
  • ... and just contacted about cloned credit card, grrr.

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